Monday, March 2, 2015

Back Again!

Well, that didn't go as planned did it? I've been so busy volunteering, babysitting, painting, yarding (yes yarding is a thing to me), re-arranging and recipe-ing I never even got it on my blog!  ( I blame pinterest and World of Warcraft) 

Anyway, I have news! I will be a columnist in a new quarterly online magazine called Hippie Hoodoo, where I will be sharing my DIY attempts.... Success or Failures. I'm all about honesty. If it didn't go as planned that's just as valuable as a nailing it to me.  So get ready to see much more from me. From DIY body scrubs, crochet washcloths, and repainted dressers, Check out my testing of all these amazing things I've been brainstorming and pinning and making lists for... well forever! 

I'm super excited and will have another post soon with one of my latest attempts. See you back here soon!!!

Christin Marie

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

How To Make Your Own Storage Bins From Old Boxes!

Hello and Welcome to my very first DIY Artsy Craftsy Post.

I'm into upcycling. I like to take something and make into something newer and cooler and better yet I like to brag about it.

So we all want to get organized right? We all LOVE those pretty covered, handled, labeled bins to put on shelves, on our steps and sometimes just in plain view; because they are so good at hiding clutter and being pretty!! (Hooray for run-on sentences!)

Well, We recently added a Foyling to the family and now I have an abundance of super durable already handled cardboard diaper and wipe boxes. No, I'm not brave enough for cloth diapers, but kudos to all of you who are! But recycling the diaper and wipe boxes makes me feel a little better about the carbon footprint and saves some money because those store bought storage boxes and bins are pricey!!! Especially the ones I always seem to fall in love with!

What I used:

Left over wallpaper from the hallway and dining room
You can also use fabric, felt, contact paper, drawer paper or whatever you like really even your favorite T-shirt that doesn't fit anymore!
Razor knife-
Straight Edge and/or ruler.
Damp cloth-
Dry cloth-
Shallow pan- (for wetting the wallpaper) I use the kitchen sink. :o)

Estimated time: 20 minutes per box just for trimming and placing the paper just how you like.

A Shoutout to Huggies is Here

Step one: Remove the flaps from the tops of the boxes and or adjust the height of your box using the ruler, straight edge, and razor knife. Measure twice cut/score once!!!

Step Two: Trim off the little handle flappies if desired, if you want them be sure to cover them too!!

Step Three: Cut wallpaper, or whatever you are using to fit the sides. In my case I didn't mind any over laps or if the pattern wasn't perfect, Give a little thought to how you want it to go. Be sure to leave some excess to fold over the edges inside the box and to wrap underneath the box too.

Step Four: Wet the wallpaper according to the instructions.  Don't over wet and let the excess water drip off or your box may warp a bit like this one! :o(  But it's ok this one is inside our armoire.

Step 5: Place on box fold, wrap, and trim any left over with scissors, or razor knife.

Step 6: Use damp cloth to push any bubble out to the edges and use the dry cloth to absorb any drips you find and just absorb excess.

Step 7: Let dry. I let mine dry over night. Just in case. :o)

Remember I mentioned pretty labels? Those are coming soon, DIY Chalkboard Labels! :o)

Enjoy your beautiful new storage bins!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Well, Here's to the Beginning!

I decided that I am cool enough to start a blog, and keep up with it. Officially. :o)

That being said, since I am cool enough that automatically includes the other Foylings as well, guilt by association you might say.  So James, Aiden and Serenity are also officially cool enough too.

The beginning hmmm. Well I started this with the intention of giving my self a voice and place to chronicle all my successes, failures, false starts, and giant leaps in motherhood, housekeeping, cooking and geekdom. Maybe some other adventures too!

I am a wife to an incredibly efficient and laid back IT professional, and stay at home (mostly) mom to two wonderful little peeps. Aiden who is 6 and Serenity who is a whopping 6 months (wow).

In our spare time, we ( hubbykins and me) love gaming and we are currently doing some projects on our home and my g-ma in law's home.  Which hopefully I will get to chronicle here as well.

Aiden loves dinos, Bakugan, legos, telling time, candy, and making his sister laugh. <3

Serenity loves nursing, napping, and trying to scoot. <3

Oh and ME!

Christin Marie!

I have been reading like crazy and trying to utilize space in small spaces with a growing fam of Foylings! Also throwing in some creativity there now and again. 

Well, There's the Basics!